Source code for qick.drivers.tproc

Drivers for the QICK timed processor (tProc).
from pynq.buffer import allocate
import numpy as np
from qick import SocIp

[docs]class AxisTProc64x32_x8(SocIp): """ AxisTProc64x32_x8 class AXIS tProcessor registers: START_SRC_REG * 0 : internal start (using START_REG) * 1 : external start (using "start" input) Regardless of the START_SRC, the start logic triggers on a rising edge: A low level arms the trigger (transitions from "end" to "init" state). A high level fires the trigger (starts the program). To stop a running program, see reset(). START_REG * 0 : init * 1 : start MEM_MODE_REG * 0 : AXIS Read (from memory to m0_axis) * 1 : AXIS Write (from s0_axis to memory) MEM_START_REG * 0 : Stop. * 1 : Execute operation (AXIS) MEM_ADDR_REG : starting memory address for AXIS read/write mode. MEM_LEN_REG : number of samples to be transferred in AXIS read/write mode. DMEM: The internal data memory is 2^DMEM_N samples, 32 bits each. The memory can be accessed either single read/write from AXI interface. The lower 256 Bytes are reserved for registers. The memory is then accessed in the upper section (beyond 256 bytes). Byte to sample conversion needs to be performed. The other method is to DMA in and out. Here the access is direct, so no conversion is needed. There is an arbiter to ensure data coherency and avoid blocking transactions. :param mem: memory address :type mem: int :param axi_dma: axi_dma address :type axi_dma: int """ bindto = [''] REGISTERS = {'start_src_reg': 0, 'start_reg': 1, 'mem_mode_reg': 2, 'mem_start_reg': 3, 'mem_addr_reg': 4, 'mem_len_reg': 5} # Number of 32-bit words in the lower address map (reserved for register access) NREG = 64 def __init__(self, description): """ Constructor method """ super().__init__(description) # Default registers. # start_src_reg = 0 : internal start. # start_reg = 0 : stopped. # mem_mode_reg = 0 : axis read. # mem_start_reg = 0 : axis operation stopped. # mem_addr_reg = 0 : start address = 0. # mem_len_reg = 100 : default length. self.start_src_reg = 0 self.start_reg = 0 self.mem_mode_reg = 0 self.mem_start_reg = 0 self.mem_addr_reg = 0 self.mem_len_reg = 100 # Generics. # data memory address size (log2 of the number of 32-bit words) self.DMEM_N = int(description['parameters']['DMEM_N']) # program memory address size (log2 of the number of 64-bit words, though the actual memory is usually smaller) self.PMEM_N = int(description['parameters']['PMEM_N']) self.cfg['dmem_size'] = 2**self.DMEM_N # Configure this driver with links to its memory and DMA. def configure(self, mem, axi_dma): # Program memory. self.mem = mem # dma self.dma = axi_dma self.cfg['pmem_size'] = self.mem.mmio.length//8 def configure_connections(self, soc): self.cfg['output_pins'] = [] self.cfg['start_pin'] = None self.cfg['f_time'] = soc.metadata.get_fclk(self.fullpath, "aclk") try: ((port),) = soc.metadata.trace_sig(self.fullpath, 'start') # check if the start pin is driven by a port of the top-level design if len(port)==1: self.cfg['start_pin'] = port[0] except: pass # search for the trigger port for iPort in range(8): # what block does this output drive? # add 1, because output 0 goes to the DMA try: ((block, port),) = soc.metadata.trace_bus(self.fullpath, 'm%d_axis' % (iPort+1)) except: # skip disconnected tProc outputs continue if soc.metadata.mod2type(block) == "axis_set_reg": ((block, port),) = soc.metadata.trace_sig(block, 'dout') for iPin in range(16): try: ports = soc.metadata.trace_sig(block, "dout%d"%(iPin)) if len(ports)==1 and len(ports[0])==1: # it's an FPGA pin, save it pinname = ports[0][0] self.cfg['output_pins'].append(('output', iPort, iPin, pinname)) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def port2ch(self, portname): """ Translate a port name to a channel number. Used in connection mapping. """ # port names are of the form 'm2_axis' (for outputs) and 's2_axis (for inputs) # subtract 1 to get the output channel number (s0/m0 goes to the DMA) chtype = {'m':'output', 's':'input'}[portname[0]] return int(portname.split('_')[0][1:])-1, chtype
[docs] def start(self): """ Start tProc from register. This has no effect if the tProc is not in init or end state, or if the start source is set to "external." """ self.start_reg = 0 self.start_reg = 1
[docs] def reset(self): """ Force the tProc to stop by filling the program memory with "end" instructions. For speed, we hard-code the "end" instruction and write directly to the program memory. This typically takes about 1 ms. """ # we only write the high half of each program word, the low half doesn't matter np.copyto(self.mem.mmio.array[1::2],np.uint32(0x3F000000))
[docs] def load_bin_program(self, binprog): """ Write the program to the tProc program memory. """ # cast the program words to 64-bit uints self.binprog = np.array(binprog, dtype=np.uint64) # reshape to 32 bits to match the program memory self.binprog = np.frombuffer(self.binprog, np.uint32) self.reload_program()
[docs] def reload_program(self): """ Write the most recently written program to the tProc program memory. This is normally useful after a reset (which erases the program memory) """ # write the program to memory with a fast copy np.copyto(self.mem.mmio.array[:len(self.binprog)], self.binprog)
[docs] def start_src(self, src): """ Sets the start source of tProc :param src: start source "internal" or "external" :type src: string """ # set internal-start register to "init" # otherwise we might start the tProc on a transition from external to internal start self.start_reg = 0 self.start_src_reg = {"internal": 0, "external": 1}[src]
[docs] def single_read(self, addr): """ Reads one sample of tProc data memory using AXI access :param addr: reading address :type addr: int :return: requested value :rtype: int """ # Read data. # Address should be translated to upper map. return self.mmio.array[addr + self.NREG]
[docs] def single_write(self, addr=0, data=0): """ Writes one sample of tProc data memory using AXI access :param addr: writing address :type addr: int :param data: value to be written :type data: int """ # Write data. # Address should be translated to upper map. self.mmio.array[addr + self.NREG] = np.uint32(data)
[docs] def load_dmem(self, buff_in, addr=0): """ Writes tProc data memory using DMA :param buff_in: Input buffer :type buff_in: int :param addr: Starting destination address :type addr: int """ # Length. length = len(buff_in) # Configure dmem arbiter. self.mem_mode_reg = 1 self.mem_addr_reg = addr self.mem_len_reg = length # Define buffer. self.buff = allocate(shape=length, dtype=np.int32) # Copy buffer. np.copyto(self.buff, buff_in) # Start operation on block. self.mem_start_reg = 1 # DMA data. self.dma.sendchannel.transfer(self.buff) self.dma.sendchannel.wait() # Set block back to single mode. self.mem_start_reg = 0
[docs] def read_dmem(self, addr=0, length=100): """ Reads tProc data memory using DMA :param addr: Starting address :type addr: int :param length: Number of samples :type length: int :return: List of memory data :rtype: list """ # Configure dmem arbiter. self.mem_mode_reg = 0 self.mem_addr_reg = addr self.mem_len_reg = length # Define buffer. buff = allocate(shape=length, dtype=np.int32) # Start operation on block. self.mem_start_reg = 1 # DMA data. self.dma.recvchannel.transfer(buff) self.dma.recvchannel.wait() # Set block back to single mode. self.mem_start_reg = 0 return buff
[docs]class Axis_QICK_Proc(SocIp): """ Axis_QICK_Proc class #################### AXIS T_PROC xREG #################### TPROC_CTRL Write / Read 32-Bits TPROC_CFG Write / Read 32-Bits MEM_ADDR Write / Read 16-Bits MEM_LEN Write / Read 16-Bits MEM_DT_I Write / Read 32-Bits TPROC_W_DT1 Write / Read 32-Bits TPROC_W_DT2 Write / Read 32-Bits CORE_CFG Write / Read 32-Bits READ_SEL Write / Read 32-Bits MEM_DT_O Read Only 32-Bits TPROC_R_DT1 Read Only 32-Bits TPROC_R_DT2 Read Only 32-Bits TIME_USR Read Only 32-Bits TPROC_STATUS Read Only 32-Bits TPROC_DEBUG Read Only 32-Bits #################### TPROC_CTRL[0] - Time Reset : Reset absTimer TPROC_CTRL[1] - Time Update : Update absTimer TPROC_CTRL[2] - Proc Start : Reset and Starts tProc (Time and cores) TPROC_CTRL[3] - Proc Stop : Stop the tProc TPROC_CTRL[4] - Core Start : Reset and Starts the Cores. TPROC_CTRL[5] - Core Stop : Stop the Cores (Time will continue Running) TPROC_CTRL[6] - Proc Reset : Reset the TProc TPROC_CTRL[7] - Proc Run : Reset the TProc TPROC_CTRL[8] - Proc Pause : Pause the TProc (Time RUN, Core NO) TPROC_CTRL[9] - Proc Freeze : Freeze absTimer (Core RUN, Time no) TPROC_CTRL[10] - Proc Step : Debug - Step tProc(Time and CORE ) TPROC_CTRL[11] - Core Step : Debug - Step Core (Execute ONE instruction) TPROC_CTRL[12] - Time Step : Debug - Step Timer (Increase absTimer in 1) TPROC_CTRL[13] - COND_set : Set External Condition Flag from TPROC_CTRL[14] - COND_clear : Clears External Condition Flag from #################### TPROC_CFG[0] - MEM_START TPROC_CFG[1] - MEM_OPERATION TPROC_CFG[3:2] - MEM_TYPE (00-NONE, 01-PMEM, 10-DMEM, 11-WMEM) TPROC_CFG[4] - MEM_SOURCE (0-AXI, 1-SINGLE) TPROC_CFG[6:5] - MEM_BANK (TPROC, CORE0, CORE1) TPROC_CFG[10] - Disable INPUT CTRL TPROC_CFG[11] - WFIFO_Full Pause Core TPROC_CFG[12] - DFIFO_Full Pause Core :param mem: memory address :type mem: int :param axi_dma: axi_dma address :type axi_dma: int """ bindto = ['Fermi:user:qick_processor:2.0'] REGISTERS = { 'tproc_ctrl' :0 , 'tproc_cfg' :1 , 'mem_addr' :2 , 'mem_len' :3 , 'mem_dt_i' :4 , 'tproc_w_dt1' :5, 'tproc_w_dt2' :6, 'core_cfg' :7, 'read_sel' :8, 'mem_dt_o' :10, 'tproc_r_dt1' :11 , 'tproc_r_dt2' :12 , 'time_usr' :13, 'tproc_status' :14, 'tproc_debug' :15 } def __init__(self, description): """ Constructor method """ super().__init__(description) # Parameters #self.cfg['dual_core'] = = int(description['parameters']['DUAL_CORE']) #self.cfg['debug'] = = int(description['parameters']['DEBUG']) # Parameters self.cfg['pmem_size'] = pow( 2, int(description['parameters']['PMEM_AW']) ) self.cfg['dmem_size'] = pow( 2, int(description['parameters']['DMEM_AW']) ) self.cfg['wmem_size'] = pow( 2, int(description['parameters']['WMEM_AW']) ) self.cfg['dreg_qty'] = pow( 2, int(description['parameters']['REG_AW']) ) for param in ['in_port_qty', 'out_trig_qty', 'out_dport_qty','out_dport_dw', 'out_wport_qty']: self.cfg[param] = int(description['parameters'][param.upper()]) for param in ['lfsr', 'divider', 'arith', 'time_read', 'tnet', 'custom_periph', 'io_ctrl']: self.cfg['has_'+param] = int(description['parameters'][param.upper()]) # Initial Values self.tproc_ctrl = 0 self.tproc_cfg = 0 self.mem_addr = 0 self.mem_len = 0 self.mem_dt_i = 0 self.tproc_w_dt1 = 0 self.tproc_w_dt2 = 0 self.core_cfg = 0 self.read_sel = 0 #Compatible with previous Version self.DMEM_N = int(description['parameters']['DMEM_AW']) # Configure this driver with links to its memory and DMA. def configure(self, axi_dma): # dma self.dma = axi_dma # allocate DMA buffers, using the size of the largest memory maxlen = max(self['dmem_size'], self['pmem_size'], self['wmem_size']) self.buff_wr = allocate(shape=(maxlen, 8), dtype=np.int32) self.buff_rd = allocate(shape=(maxlen, 8), dtype=np.int32) def configure_connections(self, soc): self.cfg['output_pins'] = [] self.cfg['start_pin'] = None self.cfg['f_core'] = soc.metadata.get_fclk(self.fullpath, "c_clk_i") self.cfg['f_time'] = soc.metadata.get_fclk(self.fullpath, "t_clk_i") try: ((port),) = soc.metadata.trace_sig(self.fullpath, 'start') self.start_pin = port[0] except: pass # WE have trig_%d_o and port_%d_dt_o as OUT of the QICK_PROCESSOR... # those can go to vec2bits or to the output... ## Number of triggers is in ther parameter 'out_trig_qty', the MAX is 8 ## Number of data ports is in ther parameter 'out_dport_qty', the MAX is 4 for iPin in range(self['out_trig_qty']): try: ports = soc.metadata.trace_sig(self.fullpath, "trig_%d_o"%(iPin)) if len(ports)==1 and len(ports[0])==1: # it's an FPGA pin, save it pinname = ports[0][0] self.cfg['output_pins'].append(('trig', iPin, 0, pinname)) except KeyError: pass # search for the trigger port for iPort in range(self['out_dport_qty']): # what block does this output drive? try: ((block, port),) = soc.metadata.trace_sig(self.fullpath, 'port_%d_dt_o' % (iPort)) except: # skip disconnected tProc outputs continue if soc.metadata.mod2type(block) == "qick_vec2bit": n_outputs = int(soc.metadata.get_param(block, 'OUT_QTY')) for iPin in range(n_outputs): try: ports = soc.metadata.trace_sig(block, "dout%d"%(iPin)) if len(ports)==1 and len(ports[0])==1: # it's an FPGA pin, save it pinname = ports[0][0] self.cfg['output_pins'].append(('dport', iPort, iPin, pinname)) except KeyError: pass
[docs] def port2ch(self, portname): """ Translate a port name to a channel number and type Used in connection mapping. """ words = portname.split('_') if words[-1] == 'axis': # port names are of the form 'm2_axis' (for outputs) and 's2_axis' (for inputs) chtype = {'m':'wport', 's':'input'}[words[0][0]] return int(words[0][1:]), chtype else: chtype = {'trig':'trig', 'port':'dport'}[words[0]] return int(words[1]), chtype
def time_reset(self):'TIME_RESET') self.tproc_ctrl = 1 def time_update(self):'TIME_UPDATE') self.tproc_ctrl = 2 def start(self):'PROCESSOR_START') self.tproc_ctrl = 4 def stop(self):'PROCESSOR_STOP') self.tproc_ctrl = 8 def core_start(self):'CORE_START') self.tproc_ctrl = 16 def core_stop(self):'CORE_STOP') self.tproc_ctrl = 32 def reset(self):'PROCESSOR_RESET') self.tproc_ctrl = 64 def run(self):'PROCESSOR_RUN') self.tproc_ctrl = 128 def proc_pause(self):'PROCESSOR_PAUSE') self.tproc_ctrl = 256 def proc_freeze(self):'PROCESSOR_FREEZE') self.tproc_ctrl = 512 def proc_step(self):'PROCESSOR_STEP') self.tproc_ctrl = 1024 def core_step(self):'CORE_STEP') self.tproc_ctrl = 2048 def time_step(self):'TIME_STEP') self.tproc_ctrl = 4096 def set_cond(self):'SET CONDITION') self.tproc_ctrl = 8192 def clear_cond(self):'CLEAR CONDITION') self.tproc_ctrl = 16384 def __str__(self): lines = [] lines.append('---------------------------------------------') lines.append(' TPROC V2 INFO ') lines.append('---------------------------------------------') for param in ["pmem_size", "dmem_size", "wmem_size", "dreg_qty"]: lines.append("%-14s: %d" % (param, self.cfg[param]) ) for param in ['in_port_qty', 'out_trig_qty', 'out_dport_qty','out_dport_dw', 'out_wport_qty']: lines.append("%-14s: %d" % (param, self.cfg[param]) ) lines.append("\nConfiguration:") #for param in ['dual_core','debug', 'io_ctrl']: for param in ['has_io_ctrl']: lines.append("%-14s: %s" % (param, ["NO", "YES"][self.cfg[param]])) lines.append("\nPeripherals:") for param in ['has_lfsr', 'has_divider', 'has_arith', 'has_time_read', 'has_tnet', 'has_custom_periph']: lines.append("%-14s: %s" % (param, ["NO", "YES"][self.cfg[param]])) return "\n".join(lines) def info(self): print(self)
[docs] def single_read(self, mem_sel, addr): """ Reads the bottom 32 bits of one sample of tProc memory using AXI access Do not use! Use the DMA instead. :param addr: reading address :type addr: int :return: requested value :rtype: int """ # Read data. self.mem_addr = i self.tproc_cfg = 0x11 + (mem_sel << 2) val = self.mem_dt_o self.tproc_cfg = 0 return val def single_write(self, mem_sel, addr=0, data=0): """ Writes the bottom 32 bits of one sample of tProc memory using AXI access Do not use! This seems to crash the DMA. Use the DMA instead. :param addr: writing address :type addr: int :param data: value to be written :type data: int """ # Write data. self.mem_addr = i self.tproc_cfg = 0x13 + (mem_sel << 2) self.mem_dt_i = data self.tproc_cfg = 0
[docs] def load_mem(self,mem_sel, buff_in, addr=0): """ Writes tProc Selected memory using DMA Parameters ---------- mem_sel : int PMEM=1, DMEM=2, WMEM=3 buff_in : array Data to be loaded addr : int Starting write address """ # Length. length = len(buff_in) # Configure Memory arbiter. (Write MEM) self.mem_addr = addr self.mem_len = length # Copy buffer. np.copyto(self.buff_wr[:length], buff_in) #Start operation if (mem_sel==1): # WRITE PMEM self.tproc_cfg |= 7 elif (mem_sel==2): # WRITE DMEM self.tproc_cfg |= 11 elif (mem_sel==3): # WRITE WMEM self.tproc_cfg |= 15 else: raise RuntimeError('Destination Memeory error should be PMEM=1, DMEM=2, WMEM=3 current Value : %d' % (mem_sel)) # DMA data. self.logger.debug('DMA write 1') self.dma.sendchannel.transfer(self.buff_wr, nbytes=int(length*32)) self.logger.debug('DMA write 2') self.dma.sendchannel.wait() self.logger.debug('DMA write 3') # End Operation self.tproc_cfg &= ~63
[docs] def read_mem(self,mem_sel, addr=0, length=100): """ Read tProc Selected memory using DMA Parameters ---------- mem_sel : int PMEM=1, DMEM=2, WMEM=3 addr : int Starting read address length : int Number of words to read """ # Configure Memory arbiter. (Read DMEM) self.mem_addr = addr self.mem_len = length #Start operation if (mem_sel==1): # READ PMEM self.tproc_cfg |= 5 elif (mem_sel==2): # READ DMEM self.tproc_cfg |= 9 elif (mem_sel==3): # READ WMEM self.tproc_cfg |= 13 else: raise RuntimeError('Source Memeory error should be PMEM=1, DMEM=2, WMEM=3 current Value : %d' % (mem_sel)) # DMA data. self.logger.debug('DMA read 1') self.dma.recvchannel.transfer(self.buff_rd, nbytes=int(length*32)) self.logger.debug('DMA read 2') self.dma.recvchannel.wait() self.logger.debug('DMA read 3') # End Operation self.tproc_cfg &= ~63 # truncate, copy, convert PynqBuffer to ndarray return np.array(self.buff_rd[:length], copy=True)
def Load_PMEM(self, p_mem, check=True): length = len(p_mem)'Loading Program in PMEM') self.load_mem(1, p_mem) if check: readback = self.read_mem(1, length=length) if ( (np.max(readback - p_mem) ) == 0):'Program Loaded OK') else: self.logger.error('Error Loading Program') def get_axi(self): print('---------------------------------------------') print('--- AXI Registers') for xreg in self.REGISTERS.keys(): print(f'{xreg:>15}', getattr(self, xreg)) def get_status(self): core_st = ['C_RST_STOP', 'C_RST_STOP_WAIT', 'C_RST_RUN', 'C_RST_RUN_WAIT', 'C_STOP', 'C_RUN', 'C_STEP', 'C_END_STEP'] time_st = ['T_RST_STOP','T_RST_RUN', 'T_UPDT', 'T_INIT', 'T_RUN', 'T_STOP', 'T_STEP'] status_num = self.tproc_status status_bin = '{:032b}'.format(status_num) print('---------------------------------------------') print('--- AXI TPROC Register STATUS') c_st = int(status_bin[29:32], 2) t_st = int(status_bin[25:28], 2) print('--- PROCESSOR -- ') print( 'Core_ST : ' + status_bin[29:32] +' - '+ core_st[c_st]) print( 'Core_EN : ' + status_bin[28] ) print( 'Time_ST : ' + status_bin[25:28] +' - '+ time_st[t_st]) print( 'Time_EN : ' + status_bin[24] ) print( '----------------') print( 'Core_Src_dt : ' + status_bin[21:24] ) print( '----------------') print( 'Core Src Flag : ' + status_bin[18:21] ) print( '-- C0 Flag : ' + status_bin[11] ) print( '.Internal Flag : ' + status_bin[17] ) print( '.Axi Flag : ' + status_bin[16] ) print( '.External Flag : ' + status_bin[15] ) print( '.Port New Flag : ' + status_bin[14] ) print( '.Qnet Flag : ' + status_bin[13] ) print( '.Periph Flag : ' + status_bin[12] ) print( '----------------') print( 'arith_dt_new : ' + status_bin[10] ) print( 'div_dt_new : ' + status_bin[9] ) print( 'qnet_dt_new : ' + status_bin[9] ) print( 'periph_dt_new : ' + status_bin[7] ) print( 'arith_rdy : ' + status_bin[6] ) print( 'div_rdy : ' + status_bin[5] ) print( 'qnet_rdy : ' + status_bin[4] ) print( 'periph_rdy : ' + status_bin[3] ) def get_debug(self): self.read_sel = 3 div_q = self.tproc_r_dt1 div_r = self.tproc_r_dt2 self.read_sel = 4 arith_l = self.tproc_r_dt1 arith_h = self.tproc_r_dt2 self.read_sel = 5 qnet_1 = self.tproc_r_dt1 qnet_2 = self.tproc_r_dt2 self.read_sel = 6 periph_1 = self.tproc_r_dt1 periph_2 = self.tproc_r_dt2 self.read_sel = 7 port_1 = self.tproc_r_dt1 port_2 = self.tproc_r_dt2 debug_num = self.tproc_debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) print('---------------------------------------------') print('--- AXI TPROC Register DEBUG') self.read_sel = 0 debug_num = self.tproc_debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) print('--- FIFOs -- ') print( 'all_TFIFO_EMPTY : ' + debug_bin[31] ) print( 'all_DFIFO_EMPTY : ' + debug_bin[30] ) print( 'all_WFIFO_EMPTY : ' + debug_bin[29] ) print( 'ALL_FIFO_EMPTY : ' + debug_bin[28] ) print( 'all_TFIFO_FULL : ' + debug_bin[27] ) print( 'all_DFIFO_FULL : ' + debug_bin[26] ) print( 'all_WFIFO_FULL : ' + debug_bin[25] ) print( 'ALL_FIFO_FULL : ' + debug_bin[24] ) print( 'some_TFIFO_FULL : ' + debug_bin[23] ) print( 'some_DFIFO_FULL : ' + debug_bin[22] ) print( 'some_WFIFO_FULL : ' + debug_bin[21] ) print( 'FIFO_OK : ' + debug_bin[20] ) print( 'DFIFO[0].time : ' + debug_bin[4:20] + ' - ' +str(int(debug_bin[4:20], 2))) print( 'DFIFO[0].dt : ' + debug_bin[0:4] + ' - ' +str(int(debug_bin[0:4], 2))) self.read_sel = 1 debug_num = self.tproc_debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) print('--- MEMORY -- ') print( 'EXT_MEM_W_DT_O[7:0] : ' + debug_bin[24:31] + ' - ' +str(int(debug_bin[24:31], 2))) print( 'EXT_MEM_ADDR[7:0] : ' + debug_bin[16:24] + ' - ' +str(int(debug_bin[16:24], 2))) print( 'AW_EXEC : ' + debug_bin[15] ) print( 'AR_EXEC : ' + debug_bin[14] ) print( 'mem_sel : ' + debug_bin[12:14] ) print( 'mem_source : ' + debug_bin[11] ) print( 'core_sel : ' + debug_bin[9:11] ) print( 'mem_op : ' + debug_bin[8] ) self.read_sel = 2 debug_num = self.tproc_debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) print('--- TIME -- ') print( 'time_reft[31:0] : ' +str(int(debug_bin, 2)) ) print( 'time_usr : ' +str(self.time_usr) ) self.read_sel = 3 debug_num = self.tproc_debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) print('--- PORT -- ') print( 'in_port_dt_r[0] : ' +str(int(debug_bin[8:32], 2))) print( 'port_dt_new[2:0]: ' + debug_bin[5:8] ) print( 'TPORT[0] : ' + debug_bin[4] ) print( 'DPORT[0][3:0] : ' + debug_bin[0:4] ) print( 'PORT : 1=' + str(port_1) +' 2='+ str(port_2)) print('--- PERIPH -- ') print( 'DIV : Q=' + str(div_q) +' R='+ str(div_r)) print( 'ARITH : H=' + str(arith_h) +' L='+ str(arith_l)) print( 'QNET : 1=' + str(qnet_1) +' 2='+ str(qnet_2)) print( 'PERIPH : 1=' + str(periph_1) +' 2='+ str(periph_2))
[docs]class Axis_QICK_Net(SocIp): """ Axis_QICK_Proc class #################### AXIS T_CORE xREG #################### CORE_CTRL Write / Read 32-Bits CORE_CFG Write / Read 32-Bits RAXI_DT1 Write / Read 32-Bits RAXI_DT2 Write / Read 32-Bits CORE_R_DT1 Read Only 32-Bits CORE_R_DT2 Read Only 32-Bits PORT_LSW Read Only 32-Bits PORT_MSW Read Only 32-Bits RAND Read Only 32-Bits CORE_W_DT1 Read Only 32-Bits CORE_W_DT2 Read Only 32-Bits CORE_STATUS Read Only 32-Bits CORE_DEBUG Read Only 32-Bits :param mem: memory address :type mem: int :param axi_dma: axi_dma address :type axi_dma: int """ bindto = ['Fermi:user:qick_network:1.0'] REGISTERS = { 'tnet_ctrl' :0 , 'tnet_cfg' :1 , 'tnet_addr' :2 , 'tnet_len' :3 , 'raxi_dt1' :4 , 'raxi_dt2' :5 , 'raxi_dt3' :6 , 'nn_id' :7 , 'rtd' :8, 'tnet_w_dt1' :9, 'tnet_w_dt2' :10, 'rx_status' :11, 'tx_status' :12, 'status' :13, 'debug' :14, 'hist' :15 } main_list = ['M_NOT_READY','M_IDLE','M_LOC_CMD','M_NET_CMD','M_WRESP','M_WACK','M_NET_RESP','M_NET_ANSW','M_CMD_EXEC','M_ERROR'] task_list = ['T_NOT_READY','T_IDLE','T_LOC_CMD','T_LOC_WSYNC','T_LOC_SEND','T_LOC_WnREQ','T_NET_CMD', 'T_NET_SEND'] cmd_list = [ 'NOT_READY','IDLE','L_GNET','L_SNET','L_SYNC1','L_UPDT_OFF','L_SET_DT','L_GET_DT','L_RST_TIME','L_START',\ 'L_STOP','N_GNET_P','N_SNET_P','N_SYNC1_P','N_UPDT_OFF_P','N_SET_DT_P','N_GET_DT_P','N_RST_TIME_P','N_START_P','N_STOP_P',\ 'N_GNET_R','N_SNET_R','N_SYNC1_R','N_UPDT_OFF_R','N_DT_R','N_TPROC_R','N_GET_DT_A','WAIT_TX_ACK','WAIT_TX_nACK','WAIT_CMD_nACK',\ 'STATE','ST_ERROR'] link_list = ['NOT_READY','IDLE','RX','PROCESS','PROPAGATE','TX_H','TX_D','WAIT_nREQ'] ctrl_list = ['X','IDLE','CHECK_TIME1','CHECK_TIME2','WAIT_TIME','WAIT_SYNC','EXECUTE','ERROR'] def __init__(self, description): """ Constructor method """ super().__init__(description) # Initial Values self.tnet_ctrl = 0 self.tnet_cfg = 0 self.tnet_addr = 0 self.mem_len = 100 self.tnet_len = 0 self.raxi_dt1 = 0 self.raxi_dt2 = 0 self.raxi_dt3 = 0 # Configure this driver with links to its memory and DMA. def configure(self, mem, axi_dma): # Program memory. self.mem = mem # dma self.dma = axi_dma def clear_cond(self):'RESET') self.tproc_ctrl = 2048 def get_axi(self): print('---------------------------------------------') print('--- AXI Registers') for xreg in self.REGISTERS.keys(): print(f'{xreg:>15}', getattr(self, xreg)) def get_status(self): rx_status_num = self.rx_status rx_status_bin = '{:032b}'.format(rx_status_num) tx_status_num = self.tx_status tx_status_bin = '{:032b}'.format(tx_status_num) status_num = self.status status_bin = '{:032b}'.format(status_num) print('---------------------------------------------') print('--- AXI TNET Register RX_STATUS') print( ' RX_CNT : ' + rx_status_bin[26:32] ) print( ' RX_CMD : ' + rx_status_bin[18:23] ) print( ' RX_FLAGS : ' + rx_status_bin[23:26] ) print( ' RX_DST : ' + rx_status_bin[14:18] ) print( ' RX_SRC : ' + rx_status_bin[10:14] ) print( ' RX_STEP : ' + rx_status_bin[4:10] ) print( ' RX_H_DT : ' + rx_status_bin[0:4] ) print('--- AXI TNET Register TX_STATUS') print( ' TX_CNT : ' + tx_status_bin[26:32] ) print( ' TX_CMD : ' + tx_status_bin[18:23] ) print( ' TX_FLAGS : ' + tx_status_bin[23:26] ) print( ' TX_DST : ' + tx_status_bin[14:18] ) print( ' TX_SRC : ' + tx_status_bin[10:14] ) print( ' TX_STEP : ' + tx_status_bin[4:10] ) print( ' TX_H_DT : ' + tx_status_bin[0:4] ) print('--- AXI TNET Register TNET_STATUS') print( ' MMC_LOCKED : ' + status_bin[31] ) print( ' GT_PLL_LOCK : ' + status_bin[30] ) print( ' CH_A_RX_UP : ' + status_bin[29] ) print( ' CH_A_TX_UP : ' + status_bin[28] ) print( ' CH_B_RX_UP : ' + status_bin[27] ) print( ' CH_B_TX_UP : ' + status_bin[26] ) print( ' AURORA_RDY : ' + status_bin[25] ) print( ' TX_REQ : ' + status_bin[24] ) print( ' TX_ACK : ' + status_bin[23] ) print( ' ERROR_ID : ' + status_bin[19:23] ) print( '--------------------------------') print( ' READY : ' + status_bin[15] ) print( '--------------------------------') print( ' GET_NET : ' + status_bin[14] ) print( ' SET_NET : ' + status_bin[13] ) print( ' SYNC1_NET : ' + status_bin[12] ) print( ' SYNC2_NET : ' + status_bin[11] ) print( ' GET_OFF : ' + status_bin[8] ) print( ' UPDT_OFF : ' + status_bin[7] ) print( ' SET_DT : ' + status_bin[6] ) print( ' GET_DT : ' + status_bin[5] ) print( ' RST_TIME : ' + status_bin[4] ) print( ' START_CORE : ' + status_bin[3] ) print( ' STOP_CORE : ' + status_bin[2] ) print( ' GET_COND : ' + status_bin[1] ) print( ' SET_COND : ' + status_bin[0] ) def get_debug(self): print('---------------------------------------------') print('--- AXI TNET Register DEBUG_0') self.tnet_cfg = 0 debug_num = self.debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) main_st = int(debug_bin[28:32], 2) task_st = int(debug_bin[24:28], 2) cmd_st = int(debug_bin[19:24], 2) ctrl_st = int(debug_bin[16:19], 2) link_st = int(debug_bin[13:16], 2) print( ' MAIN_ST : ' + str(main_st) + ' - ' + self.main_list[main_st]) print( ' TASK_ST : ' + str(task_st) + ' - ' + self.task_list[task_st]) print( ' CMD_ST : ' + str(cmd_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd_st] ) print( ' CTRL_ST : ' + str(ctrl_st) + ' - ' + self.ctrl_list[ctrl_st] ) print( ' LINK_ST : ' + str(link_st) + ' - ' + self.link_list[link_st] ) print('---------------------------------------------') print('--- AXI TNET Register DEBUG_1') self.tnet_cfg = 1 debug_num = self.debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) print( ' PY_CMD_CNT : ' + debug_bin[29:32] ) print( ' tProc_CMD_CNT : ' + debug_bin[26:29] ) print( ' NET_CMD_CNT : ' + debug_bin[23:26] ) print( ' ERROR_CNT : ' + debug_bin[15:23] ) print( ' READY_CNT : ' + debug_bin[7:15] ) print('--- AXI TNET Register DEBUG_2') self.tnet_cfg = 2 debug_num = self.debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) print( ' PR_CNT : ' + debug_bin[28:32] ) print( ' PR_CMD : ' + debug_bin[23:28] ) print( ' PR_SRC : ' + debug_bin[13:23] ) print( ' PR_DST : ' + debug_bin[3:13] ) print( ' net_dst_ones: ' + debug_bin[2] ) print( ' net_dst_own : ' + debug_bin[1] ) print( ' net_src_own : ' + debug_bin[0] ) print('--- AXI TNET Register DEBUG_3') self.tnet_cfg = 3 debug_num = self.debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) print( ' EX_CNT : ' + debug_bin[28:32] ) print( ' EX_CMD : ' + debug_bin[23:28] ) print( ' EX_SRC : ' + debug_bin[13:23] ) print( ' EX_DST : ' + debug_bin[3:13] ) print( ' net_dst_ones: ' + debug_bin[2] ) print( ' net_dst_own : ' + debug_bin[1] ) print( ' net_src_own : ' + debug_bin[0] ) print('--- AXI TNET Register DEBUG_4') self.tnet_cfg = 4 debug_num = self.debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) print( ' ERR_1 : ' + debug_bin[28:32] ) print( ' ERR_2 : ' + debug_bin[24:28] ) print( ' ERR_3 : ' + debug_bin[20:24] ) print( ' ERR_4 : ' + debug_bin[16:20] ) print( ' ERR_5 : ' + debug_bin[12:16] ) print( ' ERR_6 : ' + debug_bin[8:12] ) print( ' ERR_7 : ' + debug_bin[4:8] ) print( ' ERR_8 : ' + debug_bin[0:4] ) print('--- AXI TNET Register HIST') hist_num = self.hist hist_bin = '{:032b}'.format(hist_num) cmd1_st = int(hist_bin[27:32], 2) cmd2_st = int(hist_bin[22:27], 2) cmd3_st = int(hist_bin[17:22], 2) cmd4_st = int(hist_bin[12:17], 2) cmd5_st = int(hist_bin[7:12], 2) self.tnet_cfg = 5 debug_num = self.debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) cmd6_st = int(debug_bin[27:32], 2) cmd7_st = int(debug_bin[22:27], 2) cmd8_st = int(debug_bin[17:22], 2) cmd9_st = int(debug_bin[12:17], 2) cmd10_st = int(debug_bin[7:12], 2) self.tnet_cfg = 6 debug_num = self.debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) cmd11_st = int(debug_bin[27:32], 2) cmd12_st = int(debug_bin[22:27], 2) cmd13_st = int(debug_bin[17:22], 2) cmd14_st = int(debug_bin[12:17], 2) cmd15_st = int(debug_bin[7:12], 2) self.tnet_cfg = 7 debug_num = self.debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) cmd16_st = int(debug_bin[27:32], 2) cmd17_st = int(debug_bin[22:27], 2) cmd18_st = int(debug_bin[17:22], 2) cmd19_st = int(debug_bin[12:17], 2) cmd20_st = int(debug_bin[7:12], 2) print( ' T1 : ' + str(cmd1_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd1_st]) print( ' T2 : ' + str(cmd2_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd2_st]) print( ' T3 : ' + str(cmd3_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd3_st]) print( ' T4 : ' + str(cmd4_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd4_st]) print( ' T5 : ' + str(cmd5_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd5_st]) print( ' T6 : ' + str(cmd6_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd6_st]) print( ' T7 : ' + str(cmd7_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd7_st]) print( ' T8 : ' + str(cmd8_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd8_st]) print( ' T9 : ' + str(cmd9_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd9_st]) print( ' T10 : ' + str(cmd10_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd10_st]) print( ' T11 : ' + str(cmd11_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd11_st]) print( ' T12 : ' + str(cmd12_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd12_st]) print( ' T13 : ' + str(cmd13_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd13_st]) print( ' T14 : ' + str(cmd14_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd14_st]) print( ' T15 : ' + str(cmd15_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd15_st]) print( ' T16 : ' + str(cmd16_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd16_st]) print( ' T17 : ' + str(cmd17_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd17_st]) print( ' T18 : ' + str(cmd18_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd18_st]) print( ' T19 : ' + str(cmd19_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd19_st]) print( ' T20 : ' + str(cmd19_st) + ' - ' + self.cmd_list[cmd20_st]) def get_sth(self): debug_num = self.tnet_debug debug_bin = '{:032b}'.format(debug_num) task_st = int(debug_bin[19:23], 2) ver_num = self.version ver_bin = '{:032b}'.format(ver_num) cmd0_st = int(ver_bin[25:30], 2) cmd1_st = int(ver_bin[20:25], 2) cmd2_st = int(ver_bin[15:20], 2) cmd3_st = int(ver_bin[10:15], 2) cmd4_st = int(ver_bin[5:10], 2) cmd5_st = int(ver_bin[0:5], 2) print('---------------------------------------------') print( ' AURORA_CNT : ' + debug_bin[27:32] ) print( ' AURORA_OP : ' + debug_bin[23:27] ) print( ' TASK_ST : ' + str(task_st) + ' - ' + task_list[task_st]) print( ' MAIN_ST : ' + debug_bin[15:19] ) print( ' T0 : ' + str(cmd0_st) + ' - ' + cmd_list[cmd0_st]) print( ' T1 : ' + str(cmd1_st) + ' - ' + cmd_list[cmd1_st]) print( ' T2 : ' + str(cmd2_st) + ' - ' + cmd_list[cmd2_st]) print( ' T3 : ' + str(cmd3_st) + ' - ' + cmd_list[cmd3_st]) print( ' T4 : ' + str(cmd4_st) + ' - ' + cmd_list[cmd4_st]) print( ' T5 : ' + str(cmd5_st) + ' - ' + cmd_list[cmd5_st])