Source code for qick

import os
import platform

[docs]def get_version(): """Read library version from qick_lib/qick/VERSION (a text file containing only the version number). Parameters ---------- Returns ------- str version number, in major.minor.PR format """ versionpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'VERSION') with open(versionpath) as version_file: version = return version
__version__ = get_version()
[docs]def bitfile_path(): """Choose the default firmware path for this board. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- str absolute path to the firmware bitfile distributed with the QICK library """ board2file = {'ZCU216' :'qick_216.bit', 'ZCU111' :'qick_111.bit', 'RFSoC4x2' :'qick_4x2.bit'} filename = board2file[os.environ['BOARD']] src = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(qick.__file__), filename) return src
# tie in to rpyc, if using try: from rpyc.utils.classic import obtain except ModuleNotFoundError: def obtain(i): return i from .averager_program import AveragerProgram, RAveragerProgram, NDAveragerProgram from .qick_asm import QickConfig, DummyIp from .asm_v1 import QickProgram # only import the hardware drivers if running on a Zynq # also import if we're in the ReadTheDocs Sphinx build (the imports won't really work but they will be mocked) if platform.machine() in ['aarch64', 'armv7l'] or os.getenv('READTHEDOCS', default='False')=='True': try: from .ip import SocIp from .qick import QickSoc except Exception as e: print("Could not import QickSoc:", e)