Source code for qick.asm_v1

Assembly language wrapper class and auxiliary functions for the v1 tProcessor.
import logging
import numpy as np
import json
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict, defaultdict
from typing import Union, List
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from .qick_asm import AbsQickProgram, AcquireMixin
from .helpers import ch2list, check_keys
from .parser import parse_prog

RegisterType = ["freq", "time", "phase", "adc_freq"]
DefaultUnits = {"freq": "MHz", "time": "us", "phase": "deg", "adc_freq": "MHz"}
MathOperators = ["+", "-", "*"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class AbsRegisterManager(ABC): """Generic class for managing registers that will be written to a tProc-controlled block (signal generator or readout). """ PULSE_REGISTERS = ["freq", "phase", "addr", "gain", "mode", "t", "addr2", "gain2", "mode2", "mode3"] def __init__(self, prog, tproc_ch, ch_name): self.prog = prog # the tProc output channel controlled by this manager self.tproc_ch = tproc_ch # the name of this block (for messages) self.ch_name = ch_name # the register page and register map for this manager # these are initialized by QickProgram._allocate_registers self.rp = None self.regmap = None # default parameters self.defaults = {} # registers that are fully defined by the default parameters self.default_regs = set() # the registers to be used in the next "set" command self.next_pulse = None # registers values used in the last set_registers() call self.last_set_regs = {}
[docs] def set_reg(self, name, val, comment=None, defaults=False): """Wrapper around regwi. Looks up the register name and keeps track of whether the register already has a default value. Parameters ---------- name : str Register name val : int Register value comment : str Comment to be printed in ASM output defaults : bool This is a default value, which doesn't need to be rewritten for every pulse """ if defaults: self.default_regs.add(name) elif name in self.default_regs: # this reg was already written, so we skip it this time return rp, r = self.regmap[(, name)] if comment is None: comment = f'{name} = {val}' self.prog.safe_regwi(rp, r, val, comment)
[docs] def set_defaults(self, kwargs): """Set default values for parameters. This is called by QickProgram.set_default_registers(). Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Parameter values """ if self.defaults: # complain if the default parameter dict is not empty raise RuntimeError("%s already has a set of default parameters"%(self.ch_name)) self.defaults = kwargs self.write_regs(kwargs, defaults=True)
[docs] def set_registers(self, kwargs): """Set pulse parameters. This is called by QickProgram.set_pulse_registers(). Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Parameter values """ self.last_set_regs = kwargs if not self.defaults.keys().isdisjoint(kwargs): raise RuntimeError("these params were set for {0} both in default_pulse_registers and set_pulse_registers: {1}".format(self.ch_name, self.defaults.keys() & kwargs.keys())) merged = {**self.defaults, **kwargs} # check the final param set for validity self.check_params(merged) self.write_regs(merged, defaults=False)
@abstractmethod def check_params(self, params): ... @abstractmethod def write_regs(self, params, defaults): ...
[docs]class ReadoutManager(AbsRegisterManager): """Manages the frequency and mode registers for a tProc-controlled readout channel. """ PARAMS_REQUIRED = ['freq', 'length'] PARAMS_OPTIONAL = ['phrst', 'mode', 'outsel'] def __init__(self, prog, ro_ch): = ro_ch self.rocfg = prog.soccfg['readouts'][] tproc_ch = self.rocfg['tproc_ctrl'] super().__init__(prog, tproc_ch, "readout %d"%(
[docs] def check_params(self, params): """Check whether the parameters defined for a pulse are supported and sufficient for this generator and pulse type. Raise an exception if there is a problem. Parameters ---------- params : dict Parameter values """ check_keys(params.keys(), self.PARAMS_REQUIRED, self.PARAMS_OPTIONAL)
def write_regs(self, params, defaults): if 'freq' in params: self.set_reg('freq', params['freq'], defaults=defaults) if not defaults: self.next_pulse = {} self.next_pulse['rp'] = self.rp self.next_pulse['regs'] = [] # these mode bits could be defined, or left as None phrst, mode, outsel = [params.get(x) for x in ['phrst', 'mode', 'outsel']] mc = self.get_mode_code(phrst=phrst, mode=mode, outsel=outsel, length=params['length']) self.set_reg('mode', mc, f'mode | outsel = 0b{mc//2**16:>05b} | length = {mc % 2**16} ') self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(, x)][1] for x in ['freq', '0', 'mode', '0', '0']])
[docs] def get_mode_code(self, length, outsel=None, mode=None, phrst=None): """Creates mode code for the mode register in the set command, by setting flags and adding the pulse length. Parameters ---------- length : int The number of ADC fabric cycles in the pulse outsel : str Selects the output source. The output is complex. Tables define envelopes for I and Q. The default is "product". * If "product", the output is the product of table and DDS. * If "dds", the output is the DDS only. * If "input", the output is from the table for the real part, and zeros for the imaginary part. * If "zero", the output is always zero. mode : str Selects whether the output is "oneshot" or "periodic". The default is "oneshot". phrst : int If 1, it resets the phase coherent accumulator. The default is 0. Returns ------- int Compiled mode code in binary """ if length >= 2**16 or length < 3: raise RuntimeError("Pulse length of %d is out of range (exceeds 16 bits, or less than 3) - use multiple pulses, or zero-pad the waveform" % (length)) if outsel is None: outsel = "product" if mode is None: mode = "oneshot" if phrst is None: phrst = 0 outsel_reg = {"product": 0, "dds": 1, "input": 2, "zero": 3}[outsel] mode_reg = {"oneshot": 0, "periodic": 1}[mode] mc = phrst*0b01000+mode_reg*0b00100+outsel_reg return mc << 16 | np.uint16(length)
[docs]class AbsGenManager(AbsRegisterManager): """Manages the envelope and pulse information for a signal generator channel. """ PARAMS_REQUIRED = {} PARAMS_OPTIONAL = {} def __init__(self, prog, gen_ch): = gen_ch self.gencfg = prog.soccfg['gens'][] tproc_ch = self.gencfg['tproc_ch'] super().__init__(prog, tproc_ch, "generator %d"%( self.samps_per_clk = self.gencfg['samps_per_clk'] self.tmux_ch = self.gencfg.get('tmux_ch') # default to None if undefined # dictionary of defined pulse envelopes self.envelopes = prog.envelopes[gen_ch]['envs']
[docs] def check_params(self, params): """Check whether the parameters defined for a pulse are supported and sufficient for this generator and pulse type. Raise an exception if there is a problem. Parameters ---------- params : dict Parameter values """ style = params['style'] check_keys(params.keys(), self.PARAMS_REQUIRED[style], self.PARAMS_OPTIONAL[style])
[docs] def get_mode_code(self, length, mode=None, outsel=None, stdysel=None, phrst=None): """Creates mode code for the mode register in the set command, by setting flags and adding the pulse length. Parameters ---------- length : int The number of DAC fabric cycles in the pulse mode : str Selects whether the output is "oneshot" or "periodic". The default is "oneshot". outsel : str Selects the output source. The output is complex. Tables define envelopes for I and Q. The default is "product". * If "product", the output is the product of table and DDS. * If "dds", the output is the DDS only. * If "input", the output is from the table for the real part, and zeros for the imaginary part. * If "zero", the output is always zero. stdysel : str Selects what value is output continuously by the signal generator after the generation of a pulse. The default is "zero". * If "last", it is the last calculated sample of the pulse. * If "zero", it is a zero value. phrst : int If 1, it resets the phase coherent accumulator. The default is 0. Returns ------- int Compiled mode code in binary """ if mode is None: mode = "oneshot" if outsel is None: outsel = "product" if stdysel is None: stdysel = "zero" if phrst is None: phrst = 0 if length >= 2**16 or length < 3: raise RuntimeError("Pulse length of %d is out of range (exceeds 16 bits, or less than 3) - use multiple pulses, or zero-pad the waveform" % (length)) stdysel_reg = {"last": 0, "zero": 1}[stdysel] mode_reg = {"oneshot": 0, "periodic": 1}[mode] outsel_reg = {"product": 0, "dds": 1, "input": 2, "zero": 3}[outsel] mc = phrst*0b10000+stdysel_reg*0b01000+mode_reg*0b00100+outsel_reg return mc << 16 | np.uint16(length)
[docs]class FullSpeedGenManager(AbsGenManager): """Manager for the full-speed (non-interpolated, non-muxed) signal generators. """ PARAMS_REQUIRED = {'const': ['style', 'freq', 'phase', 'gain', 'length'], 'arb': ['style', 'freq', 'phase', 'gain', 'waveform'], 'flat_top': ['style', 'freq', 'phase', 'gain', 'length', 'waveform']} PARAMS_OPTIONAL = {'const': ['phrst', 'stdysel', 'mode'], 'arb': ['phrst', 'stdysel', 'mode', 'outsel'], 'flat_top': ['phrst', 'stdysel']}
[docs] def write_regs(self, params, defaults): """Write whichever pulse registers are fully determined by the defined parameters. The following pulse styles are supported: * const: A constant (rectangular) pulse. There is no outsel setting for this pulse style; "dds" is always used. * arb: An arbitrary-envelope pulse. * flat_top: A flattop pulse with arbitrary ramps. The waveform is played in three segments: ramp up, flat, and ramp down. To use these pulses one should use add_envelope to add the ramp waveform which should go from 0 to maxamp and back down to zero with the up and down having the same length, the first half will be used as the ramp up and the second half will be used as the ramp down. If the waveform is not of even length, the middle sample will be skipped. It's recommended to use an even-length waveform with flat_top. There is no outsel setting for flat_top; the ramps always use "product" and the flat segment always uses "dds". There is no mode setting; it is always "oneshot". Parameters ---------- params : dict Pulse parameters defaults : These are default values, which don't need to be rewritten for every pulse """ for parname in ['freq', 'phase', 'gain']: if parname in params: self.set_reg(parname, params[parname], defaults=defaults) if 'waveform' in params: pinfo = self.envelopes[params['waveform']] wfm_length = pinfo['data'].shape[0] // self.samps_per_clk addr = pinfo['addr'] // self.samps_per_clk self.set_reg('addr', addr, defaults=defaults) if not defaults: style = params['style'] # these mode bits could be defined, or left as None phrst, stdysel, mode, outsel = [params.get(x) for x in ['phrst', 'stdysel', 'mode', 'outsel']] if phrst is not None and self.gencfg['type'] != 'axis_signal_gen_v6': raise RuntimeError("phrst not supported for %s, only for axis_signal_gen_v6" % (self.gencfg['type'])) self.next_pulse = {} self.next_pulse['rp'] = self.rp self.next_pulse['regs'] = [] if style=='const': mc = self.get_mode_code(phrst=phrst, stdysel=stdysel, mode=mode, outsel="dds", length=params['length']) self.set_reg('mode', mc, f'phrst| stdysel | mode | | outsel = 0b{mc//2**16:>05b} | length = {mc % 2**16} ') self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'phase', '0', 'gain', 'mode']]) self.next_pulse['length'] = params['length'] elif style=='arb': mc = self.get_mode_code(phrst=phrst, stdysel=stdysel, mode=mode, outsel=outsel, length=wfm_length) self.set_reg('mode', mc, f'phrst| stdysel | mode | | outsel = 0b{mc//2**16:>05b} | length = {mc % 2**16} ') self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'phase', 'addr', 'gain', 'mode']]) self.next_pulse['length'] = wfm_length elif style=='flat_top': # address for ramp-down self.set_reg('addr2', addr+(wfm_length+1)//2) # gain for flat segment self.set_reg('gain2', params['gain']//2) # mode for ramp up mc = self.get_mode_code(phrst=phrst, stdysel=stdysel, mode='oneshot', outsel='product', length=wfm_length//2) self.set_reg('mode2', mc, f'phrst| stdysel | mode | | outsel = 0b{mc//2**16:>05b} | length = {mc % 2**16} ') # mode for flat segment mc = self.get_mode_code(phrst=False, stdysel=stdysel, mode='oneshot', outsel='dds', length=params['length']) self.set_reg('mode', mc, f'phrst| stdysel | mode | | outsel = 0b{mc//2**16:>05b} | length = {mc % 2**16} ') # mode for ramp down mc = self.get_mode_code(phrst=False, stdysel=stdysel, mode='oneshot', outsel='product', length=wfm_length//2) self.set_reg('mode3', mc, f'phrst| stdysel | mode | | outsel = 0b{mc//2**16:>05b} | length = {mc % 2**16} ') self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'phase', 'addr', 'gain', 'mode2']]) self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'phase', '0', 'gain2', 'mode']]) self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'phase', 'addr2', 'gain', 'mode3']]) self.next_pulse['length'] = (wfm_length//2)*2 + params['length']
[docs] def get_mode_code(self, **kwargs): mc = super().get_mode_code(**kwargs) if self.tmux_ch is not None: mc += (self.tmux_ch << 24) return mc
[docs]class InterpolatedGenManager(AbsGenManager): """Manager for the interpolated signal generators. """ PARAMS_REQUIRED = {'const': ['style', 'freq', 'phase', 'gain', 'length'], 'arb': ['style', 'freq', 'phase', 'gain', 'waveform'], 'flat_top': ['style', 'freq', 'phase', 'gain', 'length', 'waveform']} PARAMS_OPTIONAL = {'const': ['phrst', 'stdysel', 'mode'], 'arb': ['phrst', 'stdysel', 'mode', 'outsel'], 'flat_top': ['phrst', 'stdysel']}
[docs] def write_regs(self, params, defaults): """Write whichever pulse registers are fully determined by the defined parameters. The following pulse styles are supported: * const: A constant (rectangular) pulse. There is no outsel setting for this pulse style; "dds" is always used. * arb: An arbitrary-envelope pulse. * flat_top: A flattop pulse with arbitrary ramps. The waveform is played in three segments: ramp up, flat, and ramp down. To use these pulses one should use add_envelope to add the ramp waveform which should go from 0 to maxamp and back down to zero with the up and down having the same length, the first half will be used as the ramp up and the second half will be used as the ramp down. If the waveform is not of even length, the middle sample will be skipped. It's recommended to use an even-length waveform with flat_top. There is no outsel setting for flat_top; the ramps always use "product" and the flat segment always uses "dds". There is no mode setting; it is always "oneshot". Parameters ---------- params : dict Pulse parameters defaults : These are default values, which don't need to be rewritten for every pulse """ addr = 0 if 'waveform' in params: pinfo = self.envelopes[params['waveform']] wfm_length = pinfo['data'].shape[0] // self.samps_per_clk addr = pinfo['addr'] // self.samps_per_clk if 'phase' in params and 'freq' in params: phase, freq = [params[x] for x in ['phase', 'freq']] self.set_reg('freq', (phase << 16) | freq, f'phase = {phase} | freq = {freq}', defaults=defaults) if 'gain' in params and ('waveform' in params or params.get('style')=='const'): gain = params['gain'] self.set_reg('addr', (gain << 16) | addr, f'gain = {gain} | addr = {addr}', defaults=defaults) if not defaults: style = params['style'] # these mode bits could be defined, or left as None phrst, stdysel, mode, outsel = [params.get(x) for x in ['phrst', 'stdysel', 'mode', 'outsel']] self.next_pulse = {} self.next_pulse['rp'] = self.rp self.next_pulse['regs'] = [] # if we use the tproc mux, the mux address needs to be written to its own register if self.tmux_ch is None: tmux_reg = '0' else: self.set_reg('mode3', self.tmux_ch << 24) tmux_reg = 'mode3' if style=='const': mc = self.get_mode_code(phrst=phrst, stdysel=stdysel, mode=mode, outsel="dds", length=params['length']) self.set_reg('mode', mc, f'stdysel | mode | outsel = 0b{mc//2**16:>05b} | length = {mc % 2**16} ') self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'addr', 'mode', '0', tmux_reg]]) self.next_pulse['length'] = params['length'] elif style=='arb': mc = self.get_mode_code(phrst=phrst, stdysel=stdysel, mode=mode, outsel=outsel, length=wfm_length) self.set_reg('mode', mc, f'stdysel | mode | outsel = 0b{mc//2**16:>05b} | length = {mc % 2**16} ') self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'addr', 'mode', '0', tmux_reg]]) self.next_pulse['length'] = wfm_length elif style=='flat_top': maxv_scale = self.gencfg['maxv_scale'] gain, length = [params[x] for x in ['gain', 'length']] # mode for flat segment mc = self.get_mode_code(phrst=phrst, stdysel=stdysel, mode="oneshot", outsel="dds", length=params['length']) self.set_reg('mode', mc, f'stdysel | mode | outsel = 0b{mc//2**16:>05b} | length = {mc % 2**16} ') # mode for ramps mc = self.get_mode_code(phrst=phrst, stdysel=stdysel, mode="oneshot", outsel="product", length=wfm_length//2) self.set_reg('mode2', mc, f'stdysel | mode | outsel = 0b{mc//2**16:>05b} | length = {mc % 2**16} ') # gain+addr for ramp-up self.set_reg('addr', (gain << 16) | addr, f'gain = {gain} | addr = {addr}') # gain+addr for flat self.set_reg('gain', (int(gain*maxv_scale/2) << 16), f'gain = {gain} | addr = {addr}') # gain+addr for ramp-down self.set_reg('addr2', (gain << 16) | addr+(wfm_length+1)//2, f'gain = {gain} | addr = {addr}') self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'addr', 'mode2', '0', tmux_reg]]) self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'gain', 'mode', '0', tmux_reg]]) self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'addr2', 'mode2', '0', tmux_reg]]) # workaround for FIR bug: we play a zero-gain DDS pulse (length equal to the flat segment) after the ramp-down, which brings the FIR to zero self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['0', '0', 'mode', '0', tmux_reg]]) # set the pulse duration (including the extra duration for the FIR workaround) self.next_pulse['length'] = (wfm_length//2)*2 + 2*params['length']
[docs]class MultiplexedGenManager(AbsGenManager): """Manager for the muxed signal generators. """ PARAMS_REQUIRED = {'const': ['style', 'mask', 'length']} PARAMS_OPTIONAL = {'const': []}
[docs] def write_regs(self, params, defaults): """Write whichever pulse registers are fully determined by the defined parameters. Only the "const" pulse style, with the "mask" and "length" parameters, is supported. The frequency and gain are set at program initialization. Parameters ---------- params : dict Pulse parameters defaults : These are default values, which don't need to be rewritten for every pulse """ if 'length' in params: if params['length'] >= 2**32 or params['length'] < 3: raise RuntimeError("Pulse length of %d is out of range (exceeds 32 bits, or less than 3) - use multiple pulses" % (params['length'])) self.set_reg('freq', params['length'], defaults=defaults) if 'mask' in params: val_mask = 0 mask = params['mask'] for maskch in mask: if maskch not in range(self.gencfg['n_tones']): raise RuntimeError("invalid mask specification") val_mask |= (1 << maskch) self.set_reg('phase', val_mask, f'mask = {mask}', defaults=defaults) if not defaults: style = params['style'] self.next_pulse = {} self.next_pulse['rp'] = self.rp self.next_pulse['regs'] = [] self.next_pulse['regs'].append([self.regmap[(,x)][1] for x in ['freq', 'phase', '0', '0', '0']]) self.next_pulse['length'] = params['length']
[docs]class QickProgram(AbsQickProgram): """QickProgram is a Python representation of the QickSoc processor assembly program. It can be used to compile simple assembly programs and also contains macros to help make it easy to configure and schedule pulses.""" # Instruction set for the tproc describing how to automatically generate methods for these instructions instructions = {'pushi': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00010000, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 41), (2, 36), (3, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, ${2}, {3}"}, 'popi': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00010001, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 41)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}"}, 'mathi': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00010010, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 41), (2, 36), (3, 46), (4, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, ${2} {3} {4}"}, 'seti': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00010011, 'fmt': ((1, 53), (0, 50), (2, 36), (3, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, {1}, ${2}, {3}"}, 'synci': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00010100, 'fmt': ((0, 0),), 'repr': "{0}"}, 'waiti': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00010101, 'fmt': ((0, 50), (1, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, {1}"}, 'bitwi': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00010110, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (3, 46), (1, 41), (2, 36), (4, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, ${2} {3} {4}"}, 'memri': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00010111, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 41), (2, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, {2}"}, 'memwi': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00011000, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 31), (2, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, {2}"}, 'regwi': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00011001, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 41), (2, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, {2}"}, 'setbi': {'type': "I", 'bin': 0b00011010, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 41), (2, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, {2}"}, 'loopnz': {'type': "J1", 'bin': 0b00110000, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 41), (1, 36), (2, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, @{2}"}, 'end': {'type': "J1", 'bin': 0b00111111, 'fmt': (), 'repr': ""}, 'condj': {'type': "J2", 'bin': 0b00110001, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (2, 46), (1, 36), (3, 31), (4, 0)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, {2}, ${3}, @{4}"}, 'math': {'type': "R", 'bin': 0b01010000, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (3, 46), (1, 41), (2, 36), (4, 31)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, ${2} {3} ${4}"}, 'set': {'type': "R", 'bin': 0b01010001, 'fmt': ((1, 53), (0, 50), (2, 36), (7, 31), (3, 26), (4, 21), (5, 16), (6, 11)), 'repr': "{0}, {1}, ${2}, ${3}, ${4}, ${5}, ${6}, ${7}"}, 'sync': {'type': "R", 'bin': 0b01010010, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 31)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}"}, 'read': {'type': "R", 'bin': 0b01010011, 'fmt': ((1, 53), (0, 50), (2, 46), (3, 41)), 'repr': "{0}, {1}, {2} ${3}"}, 'wait': {'type': "R", 'bin': 0b01010100, 'fmt': ((1, 53), (0, 50), (2, 31)), 'repr': "{0}, {1}, ${2}"}, 'bitw': {'type': "R", 'bin': 0b01010101, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 41), (2, 36), (3, 46), (4, 31)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, ${2} {3} ${4}"}, 'memr': {'type': "R", 'bin': 0b01010110, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (1, 41), (2, 36)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, ${2}"}, 'memw': {'type': "R", 'bin': 0b01010111, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (2, 36), (1, 31)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, ${2}"}, 'setb': {'type': "R", 'bin': 0b01011000, 'fmt': ((0, 53), (2, 36), (1, 31)), 'repr': "{0}, ${1}, ${2}"}, 'comment': {'fmt': ()} } # op codes for math and bitwise operations op_codes = {">": 0b0000, ">=": 0b0001, "<": 0b0010, "<=": 0b0011, "==": 0b0100, "!=": 0b0101, "+": 0b1000, "-": 0b1001, "*": 0b1010, "&": 0b0000, "|": 0b0001, "^": 0b0010, "~": 0b0011, "<<": 0b0100, ">>": 0b0101, "upper": 0b1010, "lower": 0b0101 } # To make it easier to configure pulses, special registers are reserved for each channel's pulse configuration. # In each page, register 0 is hard-wired with the value 0. # Each channel reserves 10 registers (the flat_top pulse uses some extra registers). # All registers for a channel go on the same page, with registers assigned at the end of the page: # so a page with 2 channels will assign registers 12 through 21 and 22 through 31. # In page 0 we only put one channel, to make space for the following additional registers: # 13, 14 and 15 for loop and shot counters, 16 for the trigger bits, 17 through 21 for NDAveragerProgram loop counters. gentypes = {'axis_signal_gen_v4': FullSpeedGenManager, 'axis_signal_gen_v5': FullSpeedGenManager, 'axis_signal_gen_v6': FullSpeedGenManager, 'axis_sg_int4_v1': InterpolatedGenManager, 'axis_sg_mux4_v1': MultiplexedGenManager, 'axis_sg_mux4_v2': MultiplexedGenManager, 'axis_sg_mux4_v3': MultiplexedGenManager, 'axis_sg_mux8_v1': MultiplexedGenManager} def __init__(self, soccfg): """ Constructor method """ super().__init__(soccfg) # List of commands. This may include comments. self.prog_list = [] # Label to apply to the next instruction. self._label_next = None # Generator managers, for keeping track of register values. self._gen_mgrs = [self.gentypes[ch['type']](self, iCh) for iCh, ch in enumerate(soccfg['gens'])] self._ro_mgrs = [ReadoutManager(self, iCh) if 'tproc_ctrl' in ch else None for iCh, ch in enumerate(soccfg['readouts'])] # Mapping from gen/RO channels and parameters to register pages and numbers self._gen_pagemap = {} self._gen_regmap = {} self._ro_pagemap = {} self._ro_regmap = {} self._allocate_registers() # Attributes to dump when saving the program to JSON. self.dump_keys += ['prog_list'] def _allocate_registers(self): # assign tProc-controlled generator/readout channels to pages # we pack the first channel in page 0 # subsequent channels are packed in pairs (which allows for 15 channels) # if pairs won't fit, we pack in triplets mgrs = [x for x in self._gen_mgrs + self._ro_mgrs if x is not None] if (len(mgrs)>15): mgrs_per_page = 3 else: mgrs_per_page = 2 groups = [[]] for iMgr, mgr in enumerate(mgrs): if iMgr % mgrs_per_page == 1: groups.append([]) groups[-1].append(mgr) for page, mgrs in enumerate(groups): nRegs = sum([len(mgr.PULSE_REGISTERS) for mgr in mgrs]) regnum = 32 - nRegs for iMgr, mgr in enumerate(mgrs): mgr.rp = page if isinstance(mgr, ReadoutManager): self._ro_pagemap[] = page mgr.regmap = self._ro_regmap else: self._gen_pagemap[] = page mgr.regmap = self._gen_regmap # for convenience, map the zero register mgr.regmap[(, '0')] = (page, 0) for iReg, regname in enumerate(mgr.PULSE_REGISTERS): mgr.regmap[(, regname)] = (page, regnum) regnum += 1
[docs] def ch_page(self, gen_ch): """Gets tProc register page associated with generator channel. Parameters ---------- gen_ch : int generator channel (index in 'gens' list) Returns ------- int tProc page number """ return self._gen_pagemap[gen_ch]
[docs] def sreg(self, gen_ch, name): """Gets tProc special register number associated with a generator channel and register name. Parameters ---------- gen_ch : int generator channel (index in 'gens' list) name : str Name of special register ("gain", "freq") Returns ------- int tProc special register number """ return self._gen_regmap[(gen_ch, name)][1]
[docs] def ch_page_ro(self, ro_ch): """Gets tProc register page associated with tProc-controlled readout channel. Parameters ---------- ro_ch : int readout channel (index in 'readouts' list) Returns ------- int tProc page number """ return self._ro_pagemap[ro_ch]
[docs] def sreg_ro(self, ro_ch, name): """Gets tProc special register number associated with a readout channel and register name. Parameters ---------- ro_ch : int readout channel (index in 'readouts' list) name : str Name of special register ("gain", "freq") Returns ------- int tProc special register number """ return self._ro_regmap[(ro_ch, name)][1]
[docs] def add_pulse(self, ch, name, idata=None, qdata=None): """Adds a waveform to the waveform library within the program. Parameters ---------- ch : int generator channel (index in 'gens' list) name : str Name of the pulse idata : array I data Numpy array qdata : array Q data Numpy array """ self.add_envelope(ch=ch, name=name, idata=idata, qdata=qdata)
[docs] def default_pulse_registers(self, ch, **kwargs): """Set default values for pulse parameters. If any registers can be written at this point, write them in order to save time later. This is optional (you can set all parameters in set_pulse_registers). You can only call this method once per channel. There cannot be any overlap between the parameters defined here and the parameters you define in set_pulse_registers. Parameters ---------- ch : int generator channel (index in 'gens' list) **kwargs : dict Pulse parameters """ self._gen_mgrs[ch].set_defaults(kwargs)
[docs] def set_pulse_registers(self, ch, **kwargs): """Set the pulse parameters including frequency, phase, address of pulse, gain, stdysel, mode register (compiled from length and other flags), outsel, and length. The time is scheduled when you call pulse(). See the write_regs() method of the relevant generator manager for the list of supported pulse styles. Parameters ---------- ch : int generator channel (index in 'gens' list) style : str Pulse style ("const", "arb", "flat_top") freq : int Frequency (register value) phase : int Phase (register value) gain : int Gain (DAC units) phrst : int If 1, it resets the phase coherent accumulator stdysel : str Selects what value is output continuously by the signal generator after the generation of a pulse. If "last", it is the last calculated sample of the pulse. If "zero", it is a zero value. mode : str Selects whether the output is "oneshot" or "periodic" outsel : str Selects the output source. The output is complex. Tables define envelopes for I and Q. If "product", the output is the product of table and DDS. If "dds", the output is the DDS only. If "input", the output is from the table for the real part, and zeros for the imaginary part. If "zero", the output is always zero. length : int The number of fabric clock cycles in the flat portion of the pulse, used for "const" and "flat_top" styles waveform : str Name of the envelope waveform loaded with add_envelope(), used for "arb" and "flat_top" styles mask : list of int for a muxed signal generator, the list of tones to enable for this pulse """ self._gen_mgrs[ch].set_registers(kwargs)
[docs] def set_readout_registers(self, ch, **kwargs): """Set the readout parameters including frequency, mode, outsel, and length. The time is scheduled when you call readout(). Parameters ---------- ch : int readout channel (index in 'readouts' list) freq : int Frequency (register value) phrst : int If 1, it resets the phase coherent accumulator mode : str Selects whether the output is "oneshot" or "periodic" outsel : str Selects the output source. The output is complex. The input comes from the ADC and is purely real. If "product", the output is the product of input and DDS. If "dds", the output is the DDS only. If "input", the output is from the input for the real part, and zeros for the imaginary part. If "zero", the output is always zero. length : int The number of fabric clock cycles for which these readout parameters are defined. """ self._ro_mgrs[ch].set_registers(kwargs)
[docs] def default_readout_registers(self, ch, **kwargs): """Set default values for readout parameters. If any registers can be written at this point, write them in order to save time later. This is optional (you can set all parameters in set_readout_registers). You can only call this method once per channel. There cannot be any overlap between the parameters defined here and the parameters you define in set_readout_registers. Parameters ---------- ch : int readout channel (index in 'readouts' list) **kwargs : dict Pulse parameters """ self._ro_mgrs[ch].set_defaults(kwargs)
[docs] def readout(self, ch, t): """Play the pulse currently programmed into the registers for this tProc-controlled readout channel. You must have already run set_readout_registers for this channel. Parameters ---------- ch : int readout channel (index in 'readouts' list) t : int The number of tProc cycles at which the pulse starts """ # try to convert pulse_ch to int; if that fails, assume it's list of ints ch_list = ch2list(ch) for ch in ch_list: tproc_ch = self.soccfg['readouts'][ch]['tproc_ctrl'] rp, r_t = self._ro_regmap[(ch, 't')] next_pulse = self._ro_mgrs[ch].next_pulse if next_pulse is None: raise RuntimeError("no pulse has been set up for channel %d"%(ch)) self.safe_regwi(rp, r_t, t, f't = {t}') for regs in next_pulse['regs']: self.set(tproc_ch, rp, *regs, r_t, f"ch = {ch}, pulse @t = ${r_t}")
[docs] def setup_and_pulse(self, ch, t='auto', **kwargs): """Set up a pulse on this generator channel, and immediately play it. This is a wrapper around set_pulse_registers() and pulse(), and takes the arguments from both. You can only run this on a single generator channel. Parameters ---------- ch : int generator channel (index in 'gens' list) t : int, optional Pulse time, in tProc cycles **kwargs : dict Pulse parameters: refer to set_pulse_registers """ self.set_pulse_registers(ch, **kwargs) self.pulse(ch, t)
[docs] def setup_and_measure(self, adcs, pulse_ch, pins=None, adc_trig_offset=270, t='auto', wait=False, syncdelay=None, **kwargs): """Set up a pulse on this generator channel, and immediately do a measurement with it. This is a wrapper around set_pulse_registers() and measure(), and takes the arguments from both. You can only run this on a single generator channel. Parameters ---------- adcs : list of int readout channels (index in 'readouts' list) pulse_ch : int generator channel (index in 'gens' list) pins : list of int, optional refer to trigger() adc_trig_offset : int, optional refer to trigger() t : int, optional refer to pulse() wait : bool, optional refer to measure() syncdelay : int, optional refer to measure() **kwargs : dict Pulse parameters: refer to set_pulse_registers() """ self.set_pulse_registers(pulse_ch, **kwargs) self.measure(adcs, pulse_ch, pins=pins, adc_trig_offset=adc_trig_offset, t=t, wait=wait, syncdelay=syncdelay)
[docs] def pulse(self, ch, t='auto'): """Play the pulse currently programmed into the registers for this generator channel. You must have already run set_pulse_registers for this channel. Parameters ---------- ch : int or list of int generator channel (index in 'gens' list) t : int, optional The number of tProc cycles at which the pulse starts (None to use the time register as is, 'auto' to start whenever the last pulse ends) """ # try to convert pulse_ch to int; if that fails, assume it's list of ints ch_list = ch2list(ch) for ch in ch_list: tproc_ch = self.soccfg['gens'][ch]['tproc_ch'] rp, r_t = self._gen_regmap[(ch, 't')] next_pulse = self._gen_mgrs[ch].next_pulse if next_pulse is None: raise RuntimeError("no pulse has been set up for channel %d"%(ch)) if t is not None: ts = self.get_timestamp(gen_ch=ch) if t == 'auto': t = int(ts) elif t < ts: print("warning: pulse time %d appears to conflict with previous pulse ending at %f?"%(t, ts)) # convert from generator clock to tProc clock pulse_length = next_pulse['length'] pulse_length *= self.tproccfg['f_time']/self.soccfg['gens'][ch]['f_fabric'] self.set_timestamp(t + pulse_length, gen_ch=ch) self.safe_regwi(rp, r_t, t, f't = {t}') # Play each pulse segment. # We specify the same time for all segments and rely on the signal generator to concatenate them without gaps. # We could specify the "correct" times, but it's difficult to get right when the tProc and generator clocks are different. for regs in next_pulse['regs']: self.set(tproc_ch, rp, *regs, r_t, f"ch = {ch}, pulse @t = ${r_t}")
[docs] def safe_regwi(self, rp, reg, imm, comment=None): """Due to the way the instructions are setup immediate values can only be 30bits before not loading properly. This comes up mostly when trying to regwi values into registers, especially the _frequency_ and _phase_ pulse registers. safe_regwi can be used wherever one might use regwi and will detect if the value is >2**30 and if so will break it into two steps, putting in the first 30 bits shifting it over and then adding the last two. Parameters ---------- rp : int Register page reg : int Register number imm : int Value of the write comment : str, optional Comment associated with the write """ if abs(imm) < 2**30: self.regwi(rp, reg, imm, comment) else: self.regwi(rp, reg, imm >> 2, comment) self.bitwi(rp, reg, reg, "<<", 2) if imm % 4 != 0: self.mathi(rp, reg, reg, "+", imm % 4)
[docs] def sync_all(self, t=0, gen_t0=None): """Aligns and syncs all channels with additional time t. Accounts for both generator pulses and readout windows. This does not pause the tProc. gen_t0 is an optional list of additional delays for each individual generator channel, e.g. when the channels are on different tiles so they don't natively sync. Parameters ---------- t : int, optional The time offset in tProc cycles gen_t0 : list, optional List of additional delays for each individual generator channel, in tProc cycles """ # subtract gen_t0 from the timestamps max_t = self.get_max_timestamp(gen_t0=gen_t0) if max_t + t > 0: self.synci(int(max_t + t)) # reset all timestamps to 0 or gen_t0 (if defined) self.reset_timestamps(gen_t0=gen_t0) elif gen_t0: # we just want to set the timestamps to gen_t0 self.reset_timestamps(gen_t0=gen_t0)
[docs] def wait_all(self, t=0): """Pause the tProc until all ADC readout windows are complete, plus additional time t. This does not sync the tProc clock. Parameters ---------- t : int, optional The time offset in tProc cycles """ self.waiti(0, int(self.get_max_timestamp(gens=False, ros=True) + t))
# should change behavior to only change bits that are specified
[docs] def trigger(self, adcs=None, pins=None, ddr4=False, mr=False, adc_trig_offset=270, t=0, width=10, rp=0, r_out=16): """Pulse the readout(s) and marker pin(s) with a specified pulse width at a specified time t+adc_trig_offset. If no readouts are specified, the adc_trig_offset is not applied. Parameters ---------- adcs : list of int List of readout channels to trigger (index in 'readouts' list) pins : list of int List of marker pins to pulse. Use the pin numbers in the QickConfig printout. ddr4 : bool If True, trigger the DDR4 buffer. mr : bool If True, trigger the MR buffer. adc_trig_offset : int, optional Offset time at which the ADC is triggered (in tProc cycles) t : int, optional The number of tProc cycles at which the ADC trigger starts width : int, optional The width of the trigger pulse, in tProc cycles rp : int, optional Register page r_out : int, optional Register number """ if adcs is None: adcs = [] if pins is None: pins = [] #if not any([adcs, pins, ddr4]): # raise RuntimeError("must pulse at least one readout or pin") outdict = defaultdict(int) for ro in adcs: rocfg = self.soccfg['readouts'][ro] outdict[rocfg['trigger_port']] |= (1 << rocfg['trigger_bit']) # update trigger count for this readout self.ro_chs[ro]['trigs'] += 1 for pin in pins: pincfg = self.soccfg['tprocs'][0]['output_pins'][pin] outdict[pincfg[1]] |= (1 << pincfg[2]) if ddr4: rocfg = self.soccfg['ddr4_buf'] outdict[rocfg['trigger_port']] |= (1 << rocfg['trigger_bit']) if mr: rocfg = self.soccfg['mr_buf'] outdict[rocfg['trigger_port']] |= (1 << rocfg['trigger_bit']) t_start = t if any([adcs, ddr4, mr]): t_start += adc_trig_offset # update timestamps with the end of the readout window for ro in adcs: ts = self.get_timestamp(ro_ch=ro) if t_start < ts: print("Readout time %d appears to conflict with previous readout ending at %f?"%(t, ts)) # convert from readout clock to tProc clock ro_length = self.ro_chs[ro]['length'] ro_length *= self.tproccfg['f_time']/self.soccfg['readouts'][ro]['f_output'] self.set_timestamp(t_start + ro_length, ro_ch=ro) t_end = t_start + width for outport, out in outdict.items(): self.regwi(rp, r_out, out, f'out = 0b{out:>016b}') self.seti(outport, rp, r_out, t_start, f'ch =0 out = ${r_out} @t = {t}') self.seti(outport, rp, 0, t_end, f'ch =0 out = 0 @t = {t}')
[docs] def measure(self, adcs, pulse_ch, pins=None, adc_trig_offset=270, t='auto', wait=False, syncdelay=None): """Wrapper method that combines an ADC trigger, a pulse, and (optionally) the appropriate wait and a sync_all. You must have already run set_pulse_registers for this channel. If you use wait=True, it's recommended to also specify a nonzero syncdelay. Parameters ---------- adcs : list of int readout channels (index in 'readouts' list) pulse_ch : int or list of int generator channel(s) (index in 'gens' list) pins : list of int, optional refer to trigger() adc_trig_offset : int, optional refer to trigger() t : int, optional refer to pulse() wait : bool, optional Pause tProc execution until the end of the ADC readout window syncdelay : int, optional The number of additional tProc cycles to delay in the sync_all """ self.trigger(adcs, pins=pins, adc_trig_offset=adc_trig_offset) self.pulse(ch=pulse_ch, t=t) if wait: # tProc should wait for the readout to complete. # This prevents loop counters from getting incremented before the data is available. self.wait_all() if syncdelay is not None: self.sync_all(syncdelay)
[docs] def reset_phase(self, gen_ch: Union[int, List[int]] = None, ro_ch: Union[int, List[int]] = None, t: int = 0): """ Reset the phase of generator and tproc-controlled readout channels at tproc time t. This will play an empty pulse that lasts 3 fabric clock cycles, just to trigger the phase reset. This command is designed to be transparent to previous 'set_pulse/readout_registers()' calls. i.e. the register values set using 'set_pulse/readout_registers()' before this command will remain the same after this command. However, pulse registers set using other functions will need to be re-set, e.g. if a pulse register value was set by directly calling 'regwi()', calling this function will overwrite that register value, and user need to redo the 'regwi()' after this phase reset. :param gen_ch: generator channel(s) to reset phase (index in 'gens' list) :param ro_ch: tProc-controlled readout channel(s) to reset phase (index in 'readouts' list) :param t: the number of tProc cycles at which the phase reset happens """ # todo: not sure if it is possible to perform the phase reset without playing the empty pulses # convert gen and readout channels to lists of ints channels = {"generator": ch2list(gen_ch), "readout": ch2list(ro_ch)} # reset phase for each generator and readout channel for ch_type, ch_list in channels.items(): for ch in ch_list: # check time and get generator/readout manager if ch_type == "generator": ts = self.get_timestamp(gen_ch=ch) if t < ts: print(f"warning: generator {ch} phase reset at t={t} appears to conflict " f"with previous pulse ending at {ts}") ch_mgr = self._gen_mgrs[ch] phrst_params = dict(style="const", phase=0, freq=0, gain=0, length=3, phrst=1) tproc_ch = self.soccfg["gens"][ch]['tproc_ch'] else: # for readout channels ch_mgr = self._ro_mgrs[ch] # skip PYNQ-controlled readouts, which can't be reset if ch_mgr is None: continue ts = self.get_timestamp(ro_ch=ch) if t < ts: print(f"warning: readout {ch} phase reset at t={t} appears to conflict " f"with previous readout ending at {ts}") phrst_params = dict(freq=0, length=3, phrst=1) tproc_ch = self.soccfg["readouts"][ch]['tproc_ctrl'] # keeps a record of the last set registers and the default registers last_set_regs_ = ch_mgr.last_set_regs defaults_ = ch_mgr.defaults default_regs_ = ch_mgr.default_regs # temporarily ignore the default registers ch_mgr.defaults = {} ch_mgr.default_regs = set() # set registers for phase reset ch_mgr.set_registers(phrst_params) # write phase reset time register if ch_type=="generator": rp, r_t = self._gen_regmap[(ch, 't')] else: rp, r_t = self._ro_regmap[(ch, 't')] self.safe_regwi(rp, r_t, t, f't = {t}') # schedule phrst at $r_t for regs in ch_mgr.next_pulse["regs"]: self.set(tproc_ch, rp, *regs, r_t, f" {ch_type} ch{ch} phase reset @t = ${r_t}") # set the default and last set registers back ch_mgr.set_defaults(defaults_) ch_mgr.default_regs = default_regs_ ch_mgr.set_registers(last_set_regs_) self.sync_all(3)
[docs] def convert_immediate(self, val): """Convert the register value to ensure that it is positive and not too large. Throws an error if you ever try to use a value greater than 2**31 as an immediate value. Parameters ---------- val : int Original register value Returns ------- int Converted register value """ if val > 2**31: raise RuntimeError( f"Immediate values are only 31 bits {val} > 2**31") if val < 0: return 2**31+val else: return val
[docs] def compile_instruction(self, inst, labels, debug=False): """Converts an assembly instruction into a machine bytecode. Parameters ---------- inst : dict Assembly instruction labels : dict Map from label name to program counter debug : bool If True, debug mode is on Returns ------- int Compiled instruction in binary """ args = list(inst['args']) idef = self.__class__.instructions[inst['name']] fmt = idef['fmt'] if debug: print(inst) if idef['type'] == "I": args[len(fmt)-1] = self.convert_immediate(args[len(fmt)-1]) if inst['name'] == 'loopnz': args[2] = labels[args[2]] # resolve label if inst['name'] == 'condj': args[4] = labels[args[4]] # resolve label # get binary condtional op code args[2] = self.__class__.op_codes[inst['args'][2]] if inst['name'][:4] == 'math': args[3] = self.__class__.op_codes[inst['args'][3]] # get math op code if inst['name'][:4] == 'bitw': # get bitwise op code args[3] = self.__class__.op_codes[inst['args'][3]] if inst['name'][:4] == 'read': args[2] = self.__class__.op_codes[inst['args'][2]] # get read op code mcode = (idef['bin'] << 56) # print(inst) for field in fmt: mcode |= (args[field[0]] << field[1]) if inst['name'] == 'loopnz': mcode |= (0b1000 << 46) return mcode
[docs] def compile(self, debug=False): """Compiles program to machine code. Parameters ---------- debug : bool If True, debug mode is on Returns ------- list of int List of binary instructions """ labels = {} # Scan the ASM instructions for labels. Skip comment lines. prog_counter = 0 for inst in self.prog_list: if inst['name']=='comment': continue if 'label' in inst: if inst['label'] in labels: raise RuntimeError("label used twice:", inst['label']) labels[inst['label']] = prog_counter prog_counter += 1 self.binprog = [self.compile_instruction(inst, labels, debug=debug) for inst in self.prog_list if inst['name']!='comment']
[docs] def append_instruction(self, name, *args): """Append instruction to the program list Parameters ---------- name : str Instruction name *args : dict Instruction arguments """ n_args = max([f[0] for f in self.instructions[name]['fmt']]+[-1])+1 if len(args)==n_args: inst = {'name': name, 'args': args} elif len(args)==n_args+1: inst = {'name': name, 'args': args[:n_args], 'comment': args[n_args]} else: raise RuntimeError("wrong number of args:", name, args) if self._label_next is not None: # store the label with the instruction, for printing inst['label'] = self._label_next self._label_next = None self.prog_list.append(inst)
[docs] def label(self, name): """Add line number label to the labels dictionary. This labels the instruction by its position in the program list. The loopz and condj commands use this label information. Parameters ---------- name : str Label name """ if self._label_next is not None: raise RuntimeError("label already defined for the next line") self._label_next = name
def __getattr__(self, a): """ Uses instructions dictionary to automatically generate methods for the standard instruction set. Also include all QickConfig methods as methods of the QickProgram. This allows e.g. this.freq2reg(f) instead of this.soccfg.freq2reg(f). :param a: Instruction name :type a: str :return: Instruction arguments :rtype: *args object """ if a in self.__class__.instructions: return lambda *args: self.append_instruction(a, *args) elif a in self.__class__.soccfg_methods: return getattr(self.soccfg, a) else: return object.__getattribute__(self, a)
[docs] def hex(self): """Returns hex representation of program as string. Returns ------- str Compiled program in hex format """ self.compile() return "\n".join([format(mc, '#018x') for mc in self.binprog])
[docs] def bin(self): """Returns binary representation of program as string. Returns ------- str Compiled program in binary format """ self.compile() return "\n".join([format(mc, '#066b') for mc in self.binprog])
[docs] def asm(self): """Returns assembly representation of program as string, should be compatible with the parse_prog from the parser module. Returns ------- str asm file """ label_list = [inst['label'] for inst in self.prog_list if 'label' in inst] if label_list: max_label_len = max([len(label) for label in label_list]) else: max_label_len = 0 s = "\n// Program\n\n" lines = [self._inst2asm(inst, max_label_len) for inst in self.prog_list] return s+"\n".join(lines)
def _inst2asm(self, inst, max_label_len): if inst['name']=='comment': return "// "+inst['comment'] template = inst['name'] + " " + self.__class__.instructions[inst['name']]['repr'] + ";" line = " "*(max_label_len+2) + template.format(*inst['args']) if 'comment' in inst: line += " "*(48-len(line)) + "//" + (inst['comment'] if inst['comment'] is not None else "") if 'label' in inst: label = inst['label'] line = label + ": " + line[len(label)+2:] return line
[docs] def compare_program(self, fname): """For debugging purposes to compare binary compilation of parse_prog with the compile. Parameters ---------- fname : str File the comparison program is stored in Returns ------- bool True if programs are identical; False otherwise """ match = True pns = [int(n, 2) for n in self.bin().split('\n')] fns = [int(n, 2) for ii, n in parse_prog(file=fname, outfmt="bin").items()] if len(pns) != len(fns): print("Programs are different lengths") return False for ii in range(len(pns)): if pns[ii] != fns[ii]: print(f"Mismatch on line ii: p={pns[ii]}, f={fns[ii]}") match = False return match
def __len__(self): """ :return: number of instructions in the program :rtype: int """ return len(self.prog_list) def __str__(self): """ Print as assembly by default. :return: The asm file associated with the class :rtype: str """ return self.asm() def __enter__(self): """ Enter the runtime context related to this object. :return: self :rtype: self """ return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): """ Exit the runtime context related to this object. :param type: type of error :type type: type :param value: value of error :type value: int :param traceback: traceback of error :type traceback: str """ pass
[docs]class AcquireProgram(AcquireMixin, QickProgram): """Base class for tProc v1 programs with shot counting and readout acquisition. You will need to define the acquisition structure with setup_acquire(). """ pass
[docs]class QickRegister: """A qick register object that keeps the page, address, generator/readout channel and register type information, provides functions that make it easier to set register value given input values in physical units. """ def __init__(self, prog: QickProgram, page: int, addr: int, reg_type: str = None, gen_ch: int = None, ro_ch: int = None, init_val=None, name: str = None): """ :param prog: qick program in which the register is used. :param page: page of the register :param addr: address of the register in the register page (referred as "register number" in some other places) :param reg_type: {"freq", "time", "phase", "adc_freq"} or None, type of the register, used for automatic converting to physical values. :param gen_ch: generator channel numer to which the register is associated with, for unit convert. :param ro_ch: readout channel numer to which the register is associated with, for unit convert. :param init_val: initial value of the register. If reg_type is not None, the value should be in its physical unit. i.e. freq in MHz, time in us, phase in deg. :param name: If None, an auto generated name based on the register page and address will be used """ self.prog = prog = page self.addr = addr self.reg_type = reg_type self.gen_ch = gen_ch self.ro_ch = ro_ch self.init_val = init_val self.unit = DefaultUnits.get(str(self.reg_type)) if name is None: = f"reg_p{page}_{addr}" else: = name if init_val is not None: self.reset()
[docs] def val2reg(self, val): """ convert physical value to a qick register value :param val: :return: """ if self.reg_type == "freq": return self.prog.freq2reg(val, self.gen_ch, self.ro_ch) elif self.reg_type == "time": if self.gen_ch is not None: return self.prog.us2cycles(val, self.gen_ch) else: return self.prog.us2cycles(val, self.gen_ch, self.ro_ch) elif self.reg_type == "phase": return self.prog.deg2reg(val, self.gen_ch) elif self.reg_type == "adc_freq": return self.prog.freq2reg_adc(val, self.ro_ch, self.gen_ch) else: return np.int32(val)
[docs] def reg2val(self, reg): """ converts a qick register value to its value in physical units :param reg: :return: """ if self.reg_type == "freq": return self.prog.reg2freq(reg, self.gen_ch) elif self.reg_type == "time": if self.gen_ch is not None: return self.prog.cycles2us(reg, self.gen_ch) else: return self.prog.cycles2us(reg, self.gen_ch, self.ro_ch) elif self.reg_type == "phase": return self.prog.reg2deg(reg, self.gen_ch) elif self.reg_type == "adc_freq": return self.prog.reg2freq_adc(reg, self.ro_ch) else: return reg
[docs] def set_to(self, a: Union["QickRegister", float, int], operator: str = "+", b: Union["QickRegister", float, int] = 0, physical_unit=True): """ a shorthand function that sets the register value using different asm commands based on the input type. if input "a" is a number, "operator" and "b" will be neglected, "a"(or the register integer that corresponds to "a") will be assigned to the current register if input "a" is a QickRegister and "b" is a number, the register will be set to the "mathi" result between "a" and "b". (when physical_unit==True, "b" will be auto-converted from physical value to register value based on the register type) if both "a" and "b" are QickRegisters, the register will be set to the "math" result between "a" and "b". :param a: first operand register or a constant value :param operator: {"+", "-", "*"}. math symbol supported by "math" and "mathi" asm commands :param b: second operand register or a constant value :param physical_unit: when True, the constant value operands should be in its physical unit and will be automatically converted to the register integer before assignment. :return: """ if operator not in MathOperators: raise ValueError(f"operator {operator} is not supported.") if type(a) != QickRegister: # assign value "a" to register, do unit conversion if physical_unit==True reg = self.val2reg(a) if physical_unit else a comment = f"'{}' <= {reg} " + \ (f"({a} {self.unit})" if physical_unit and (self.unit is not None) else "") self.prog.safe_regwi(, self.addr, reg, comment) else: if type(b) == QickRegister: # do math operation between register "b" and register "a", assign the result to current register comment = f" '{}' <= '{}' {operator} '{}'" if not ( == == raise RuntimeError(f"the qick registers for mathematical operation must be on the same page. " f"Got '{}' on page {}, '{}' on page {} " f"and '{}' on page {}") self.prog.math(, self.addr, a.addr, operator, b.addr, comment) else: # do math operation between value "b" and register "a", assign the result to current register reg = self.val2reg(b) if physical_unit else b # do unit conversion on "b" if physical_unit==True comment = f" '{}' <= '{}' {operator} {reg} " \ + (f"({b} {self.unit})" if physical_unit and (self.unit is not None) else "") if not ( == raise RuntimeError(f"the qick registers for mathematical operation must be on the same page. " f"Got '{}' on page {} and '{}' on page {}") self.prog.mathi(, self.addr, a.addr, operator, reg, comment)
[docs] def reset(self): """ reset register value to its init_val :return: """ self.set_to(self.init_val)
[docs]class QickRegisterManagerMixin: """ A mixin class for QickProgram that provides manager functions for getting and declaring new qick registers. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.user_reg_dict = {} # look up dict for registers defined in each generator channel self._user_regs = [] # (page, addr) of all user defined registers super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def new_reg(self, page: int, addr: int = None, name: str = None, init_val=None, reg_type: str = None, gen_ch: int = None, ro_ch: int = None): """ Declare a new register in a specific page. :param page: register page :param addr: address of the new register. If None, the function will automatically try to find the next available address. :param name: name of the new register. Optional. :param init_val: initial value for the register, when reg_type is provided, the reg_val should be in the physical unit of the corresponding type. i.e. freq in MHz, time in us, phase in deg. :param reg_type: {"freq", "time", "phase", "adc_freq"} or None, type of the register :param gen_ch: generator channel numer to which the register is associated with, for unit convert. :param ro_ch: readout channel numer to which the register is associated with, for unit convert. :return: QickRegister """ if addr is None: addr = 1 while (page, addr) in self._user_regs: addr += 1 if addr > 12: raise RuntimeError(f"registers in page {page} is full.") else: if addr < 1 or addr > 12: raise ValueError(f"register address must be greater than 0 and smaller than 13") if (page, addr) in self._user_regs: raise ValueError(f"register at address {addr} in page {page} is already occupied.") self._user_regs.append((page, addr)) if name is None: name = f"reg_page{page}_{addr}" if name in self.user_reg_dict.keys(): raise NameError(f"register name '{name}' already exists") reg = QickRegister(self, page, addr, reg_type, gen_ch, ro_ch, init_val, name=name) self.user_reg_dict[name] = reg return reg
[docs] def get_gen_reg(self, gen_ch: int, name: str) -> QickRegister: """ Gets tProc register page and address associated with gen_ch and register name. Creates a QickRegister object for return. :param gen_ch: generator channel number :param name: name of the qick register, as in QickProgram.pulse_registers :return: QickRegister """ gen_cgf = self.gen_chs[gen_ch] page = self.ch_page(gen_ch) addr = self.sreg(gen_ch, name) reg_type = name if name in RegisterType else None reg = QickRegister(self, page, addr, reg_type, gen_ch, gen_cgf.get("ro_ch"), name=f"gen{gen_ch}_{name}") return reg
[docs] def new_gen_reg(self, gen_ch: int, name: str = None, init_val=None, reg_type: str = None, tproc_reg=False) -> QickRegister: """ Declare a new register in the generator register page. Address automatically adds 1 one when each time a new register in the same page is declared. :param gen_ch: generator channel number :param name: name of the new register. Optional. :param init_val: initial value for the register, when reg_type is provided, the reg_val should be in the unit of the corresponding type. :param reg_type: {"freq", "time", "phase", "adc_freq"} or None, type of the register. :param tproc_reg: if True, the new register created will not be associated to a specific generator or readout channel. It will still be on the same page as the gen_ch for math calculations. This is usually used for a time register in t_processor, where we want to calculate "us2cycles" with the t_proc fabric clock rate instead of the generator clock rate. :return: QickRegister """ gen_cgf = self.gen_chs[gen_ch] page = self.ch_page(gen_ch) addr = 1 while (page, addr) in self._user_regs: addr += 1 if name is None: name = f"gen{gen_ch}_reg{addr}" if tproc_reg: return self.new_reg(page, addr, name, init_val, reg_type, None, None) else: return self.new_reg(page, addr, name, init_val, reg_type, gen_ch, gen_cgf.get("ro_ch"))