QICK software quick reference

Quick reference

Python calls

soc.tproc.single_write(addr=imm, data=variable)

writes the value variable to the data memory address imm.

ASM_Program calls

p.memri(p, r, imm, 'comment')

reads the data memory at the address specified by imm and writes the result into page p, register r.


writes the value to page p, register r.

p.bitwi(p, rDst, rSrc, operation, value)

performs the bitwise operation on the contents of page p, register rSrc and value and writes the result in page p, register rDst. rSrc and rDst may be the same or different.

p.bitw(p, rDst, rSrc1, operation, rSrc2

performs the bitwise operation on two source registers (rSrc1 and rSrc2) and puts the result in the destination register rDst, where all three registers are on the same page p.

p.seti(channel, p, rSrc, time)

takes the value at page p, register rSrc and sends it to channel that the specified time.


marks this location in the program, for use by the loopz and condj commands.

p.set(channel, p, ra, rb,rc,rd,re,time)

sends the values on page p registers ra, rb, rc, rd, re to channel at time. The registers ra through re contain, in order, 16-bit values of frequency, phase, address, gain, and ( nsamp , outsel , mode , stdysel ).


synchronizes the internal time offset to the value specified by page p,register r.


synchronizes the internal time offset by timeOffset.

QickProgram bitwise operations


shifts bits left by value bits, ignores rSrc






exclusive or


not value, ignores rSrc

tProcessor register information

The tproc contains 8 pages of 32 registers each, making 256 registers in total. Each register is 32 bits wide.

Signal generator options

Use stdysel to select what value is output continuously by the signal generator after the generation of a pulse.

  • 0: the last calculated sample of the pulse

  • 1: a zero value

Use mode to select whether the output is periodic or one-shot. Here is what happens after generating the specified number of samples. Look in the queue to see if there is a new waveform to generate. If there is a new waveform in the queue, remove it from the queue and generate it. If there is not, use the value of mode to decide what to do.

  • 0: stop

  • 1: generate the current waveform

Then continue looking for a new waveform.

Use outsel to select the output source. The output is complex. Tables define envelopes for I and Q.

  • 0: product of table and DDS

  • 1: DDS

  • 2: from the table for the real part, and zeros for the imaginary part

  • 3: always zero